Performance Supplements

Alright Citizen Athletics crew, it’s time we had ‘the talk…’

Eeeww! No not THAT talk. The Supplements Talk! You already know about the birds and the bees. These days, it seems like everyone is taking some form of diet supplementation to improve health, increase performance, or maybe just because they were told to start taking them.

Supplements can be amazing tools that can really… well… supplement your diet and exercise habits. However, it’s easy to get carried away with marketing schemes and promises of ‘boosting’ health, performance, or whatever system they are targeting. Forget random googling and asking gym bros. We can help you learn what you need to know, without all the fluff.

In this video, we tackle the best ways to start implementing the use of supplementation without getting lost in the weeds of empty promises, and emptier pocketbooks. If you want to learn more about fitness, nutrition, and how to supplement the two, sign up for the Citizen Athletics Membership to access our entire suite of Learn Videos!

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