Base Program

Welcome to the Citizen Athletics exercise museum tour. On your left hand side, you can see Base. This is the program many of you will start on. It might not be sexy, but it will leave you wanting more. Down the hall on your right, you’ll find our Ramp program. Many of you will move on to ramp, once you decide you’ve outgrown Base.

And finally, in the atrium in the back, we have Sustainable Strength. Old Faithful, Our Bread and Butter, the ‘Go-To’ Program, The Bee’s Knees.

Whatever you want to call it, our Base Program is the ‘No Frills’ approach to establishing a quality training routine and building your base. Sustainable Strength is scale-able, meaning it can work for a variety of training ages and levels, but no one ever said it was easy.

Simply put, if you’re not in shape yet, start with base. Just getting back into the gym? Start with base. Injury? Time off? Turn up the BASS. You get the idea. Bottom line: start where you are, get a little better everyday. That’s all you can do.

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